Two colleagues having a business lunch

How to Make the Hiring Process Super Easy and Fun

One effective way to attract top talent to your company is by making the hiring process as easy and as fun as you can. A fun and easy hiring process will keep talent engaged and make them less likely to drop out of the process before they can be interviewed and hired. 

It’s important to grab the attention of top talent before they find better offers and abandon your process. Making things simple will avoid making them feel like they have to jump through hoops or that their time is being wasted, and injecting fun will keep them interested. 

Here are some tips for how you can hire staff easily and make things more fun for candidates. 

1. Standardize Each Step of the Process.

One way to simplify the hiring process is to make sure it’s done the same way each time. When all stakeholders know the process will be the same, it’s easier to take candidates through it and let them know exactly what to expect.

Once the process is standardized, it’s also easier to follow through on it so nothing unexpected happens. 

2. Be Hospitable and Friendly.  

While your process should be standardized, it should not be approached in a way that increases the already heightened tension most people feel when they need to present themselves to a company as a potential hire. When you take the time to be hospitable and friendly, it helps candidates relax and diffuses tension. 

Some ways to do this are to hold in-person interviews at a restaurant, to include a tour of your facility during the interview, and to ask questions intended for getting to know the candidate on personal and professional levels. 

3. Include Task-Based Interviews.

Many types of jobs can include tasks within the interview. This not only gives candidate chances to show their skills but can be another way to diffuse the anxiety that comes with the interview process. Through the right approach, a task-based interview can be fun and simplify the process of determining whether a candidate is well-suited to the company and the job.

4. Use Video to Up the Fun Factor.

Instead of bombarding people with tons of written information and instructions, use a series of videos to shepherd people through the hiring process. The videos should be lighthearted and involve humor where appropriate while maintaining a professional tone. 

You want people to see your company as a fun place to work, but not so fun that they won’t really be working. Videos can set the right tone better than written materials can, but don’t scrimp on the quality of the videos or it can detract from the messages. 

5. Involve Other (Fun) Employees.

If candidates can meet dynamic, fun employees during the hiring process, it will increase their attraction to the job and your company. Fun employees can conduct tours, host meals, and participate in meet-and-greets to give candidates enough interaction to get a good idea what it will be like to work there before they get a job. 

You could also appoint an employee to be the contact for each candidate in case they have questions about the process, the job, or the company. Candidates may like the accessibility of having someone to pose questions to and to give them the inside track on things they may not be able to get any other way. 

6. Offer Rewards for Referrals.

Many referral programs now offer rewards to both the referral source and the candidate when a successful hire is made. Rewards can be anything from gift cards to hiring bonuses to additional paid time off. For companies with more time than money, the reward could be dinner with a C-Suite member or a weekend at a board member’s vacation home. 

Rewards are fun, and people will gravitate toward companies that offer them. They’re relatively inexpensive motivating tools that encourage behaviors you want (in this case, referrals) and discourage the ones you don’t (i.e., disengagement or slacking off). 

7. Any Excuse to Celebrate.

Celebrations are fun, and they can add a lot to your hiring process. Some fun ideas are to send the offer with flowers, a singing telegram, or a DoorDash meal. 

When an offer is accepted, a celebratory dinner or reception can be presented. This can be a good solution when hiring a number of people at the same time so long as you make an effort to recognize and celebrate each person individually. 

Any effort your company makes to simplify the hiring process and make it more fun will offer a return in the level of talent you attract. It will not take long for word to get around that your company is a cut above the rest when it comes to hiring, and you’ll have any number of candidates who want to see for themselves. 

If you need help with your hiring process, GDH can provide recruiting services from just one step to an entire end-to-end process. Recruiting help can simplify your hiring process and help you focus on the fun factor, along with as other business priorities.  Contact us for data about all our services and how we can help you.

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