How Sustainability Can Impact Your Recruiting Efforts

How Sustainability Can Impact Your Recruiting Efforts

Corporate sustainability has become an important consideration for a growing number of employees, with a resulting impact on companies’ recruiting efforts. Increasingly, employees want to work for a company that has a sustainability plan because it helps the environment and makes the company more profitable. Sustainability has typically been associated with a company’s carbon footprint, but that…

Close up of a resume

How to Write Diverse and Inclusive Job Descriptions

Most employers today want a diverse and inclusive workplace and are working to reach that goal. However, research has found that without inclusive job descriptions that contain language diverse populations recognize as inclusive, they are less likely to even apply for your job. Here are some guidelines for writing inclusive job descriptions that appeal to…

Woman holding her resume

How to Answer Questions About Missing Resume Items

Prevailing advice about resumes says to condense your life’s work history and experience down as small as possible while still including everything important. But what do you do when the interviewer pulls out this question: “Tell me something that’s not on your resume?” This is a tricky question. If you include anything too important, the…

How Your Business Can Rapidly Scale Hiring Using RPO

How Your Business Can Rapidly Scale Hiring Using RPO

Recruitment Process Outsourcing (RPO) is a type of recruiting that provides some or all recruiting functions depending on what the company needs. At a time when businesses need to scale hiring rapidly to meet spiraling post-pandemic demand, RPO partners with businesses to meet their fast-growing needs. How RPO Scales with Growth  Hiring using RPO can…