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6 Top Characteristics Hiring Managers Want Right Now

Sure, there are lots of jobs available right now, but you don’t just want any opportunity, you want a good one. Here are the top characteristics hiring managers are looking for right now.

 1. Reliable.

None of the other characteristics matter if an employee isn’t reliable. A company has to know that it can count on you to get the job done and that you won’t leave them in the lurch when your talent is most needed. It isn’t easy to show reliability in concrete ways during the interview process, but you may be able to give examples that demonstrate this trait in your work history or be able to use references who think you’re reliable and would share that with the hiring team members. 

2. Adaptable. 

Besides reliability, the top trait employers are looking for right now is adaptability. Between the pandemic and other economic hardships, conditions are changing constantly, and having employees that can roll with the punches and handle a high degree of change successfully are absolutely essential to most businesses. Change is one of the constants in life, and it’s important to show that you can handle change well and adapt when needed.

3. Positive Attitude.

Approaching work with a positive attitude will make you more productive, a better problem solver, and will contribute to a better workplace environment. Employers are actively looking for people who can keep things positive even when it’s difficult to do so. You should expect to be tested on this trait or to be able to explain the source of your sunny side when interviewing.

4. Honesty and Integrity.

A lack of honesty in the workplace leads to backstabbing, bad feelings, low morale, and service interruptions that can occur as the atmosphere becomes more dysfunctional. In addition, dishonesty can lead to workplace situations like theft and embezzlement that can devastate a business. Demonstrating integrity can go a long way toward building the kind of trust that is needed in a healthy workplace.

5. Emotional Intelligence.

Emotional intelligence is a term that encompasses many soft skills in the workplace and in life. Overall, EI means having appropriate communication skills, being able to cope with difficulties like rejection in positive ways, and showing empathy for others in the workplace. It means you can deal with other people well because you understand yourself well. 

6. Teachability.

Most employees need training in the particulars of a position, and will likely need ongoing training to keep up with advances in technology and in the field. The ability and willingness to learn new things is an important characteristic for an employee to have, and it is unlikely that they will be able to perform well over an extended period of time without being teachable.

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