woman shaking hands with a man - recruiting strategy applied in interview

Your New Recruiting Strategy: Custom Staffing Solutions

More than ever, companies need effective recruiting strategies in today’s competitive job market to meet their hiring goals and source the quality talent they require to grow and thrive. One strategy to consider is custom staffing solutions. 

Understanding Custom Staffing Solutions

Most recruiting falls into one of a few models. The traditional recruiting model looks for permanent hires and charges a set fee for a successful hire, while the staffing firm may handle temporary or probationary hires.

Custom staffing solutions handle part or all of the hiring process and are responsive to individual hiring needs. The flexibility custom staffing solutions offer is what makes them the right strategy for many companies whose needs may vary or don’t conform to the normal and expected parameters. Custom solutions get companies exactly what they need and want. 

The Custom Approach: Tailoring the Recruitment Process

In a traditional recruiting model, recruiters find candidates that match the job description for a particular position and send them to the company to be interviewed. Under a custom staffing model, much more attention is paid to tailoring the recruitment process to the company’s specific needs. This could include rewriting job descriptions to better reflect actual needs, giving the recruiter a more hands-on approach with interviewing candidates, and/or looking to fill positions in less traditional ways (part time, gig work, temporary, or remote). 

raising hands in a meeting

Leveraging Custom Staffing Solutions for Various Industries

Custom staffing solutions can be a great strategy for a number of industries from IT to energy, communications, financial services and more. The custom nature of the model means that it can be adapted to fit varying needs and requirements. 

For example, the IT field has various certifications that show demonstrated knowledge and expertise in specific skills, programming languages, and other competencies. Additional certifications might be more focused on the specific industry the IT professional is employed in.

Making the Transition: Adopting Custom Staffing Solutions

Hiring managers will find that custom staffing solutions will be easier to work with and will produce better results than traditional recruiters. Here are some tips for transitioning to a custom staffing model:

  • Communicate with the staffing firm about specific needs, skill requirements and certifications needed for each position.
  • Keep lines of communication open throughout the process
  • Expect a higher quality of candidates from using custom staffing services
  • Let the staffing firm know what you need at each step

With the right preparation and approach, custom staffing solutions can be a gamechanger in recruiting. If you need help with your recruiting strategy or think a more customized solution would be a benefit to your company, contact GDH to find out what we can do for you. Seeking Top Talent? We Discover It.

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