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IT Recruitment and Staffing Solutions for the Evolving Energy Sector

The energy industry is undergoing a rapid evolution from mainly fossil fuels to a mix of energy sources with an expected eventual transition to renewable energy and technologies. These changes have increased demand for IT workers in the energy industry, particularly those with knowledge of renewable and green energy technologies. 

A recent estimate revealed that only one in eight energy industry workers has knowledge of renewable energies, which is bound to make staffing in this crucial area difficult. Recruitment and staffing strategies as well as support are crucial for companies to find the IT talent they need in the energy industry. 

Technological Trends in the Energy Sector

Technology has always been important in the energy sector. More recently it has become increasingly reliant on emerging technologies to harness and deliver energy in more efficient and environmentally friendly ways. 

Here are some of the emerging technologies in the energy sector today and how they may impact staffing in the industry:

Renewable energy storage. Many types of renewable energy rely on varying inputs like solar and wind. Having a way to store harnessed energy and use it when those inputs are not available is an important part of making these technologies more reliable. People still need to use energy when the sun is not in the sky and when the wind is calm. The main type of storage for these systems is the battery. IT staff are needed to create ways to manage this storage, track it, and figure out how to make it more efficient. 

Smart grids. Smart grids use sensors and automation along with other digital technologies to improve energy delivery. Ideally, this makes the grid stronger and more impervious to outages while at the same time reducing emissions and increasing efficiency. The technology relies on digital systems that must be created and maintained by IT staff. 

Internet of Things (IoT). Smart devices like thermostats and lighting can be connected to the internet to monitor and control use so that energy waste is reduced and the power grid isn’t strained. These technologies require IT expertise from creation to implementation, as well as other staffing to sell, install and teach the public how to use the devices. 

Challenges in IT Recruitment for the Energy Sector

The IT recruiting energy sector poses unique challenges for talent sourcing and hiring. The industry has long suffered from a stigma due to its impact on the environment and the perceived impact of fossil fuel emissions on the environment, making some qualified workers reluctant to work in it. Other industries like finance, construction and education have overlapping skill sets that may compete for workers with the energy industry as well.

The IT staffing energy sector has suffered from skills shortages in some areas for years, and these continue to impact hiring. Skills gaps are prevalent in the green energy industry because it is relatively new compared with fossil fuels. 

It takes intentional and effective strategies to overcome these challenges and secure the top talent energy companies need. Employer branding, partnering with colleges and universities, and offering ongoing training and education can be effective in sourcing the best IT talent possible. 

Role of Staffing Agencies in Bridging the Gap

Specialized staffing agencies like GDH can provide tailored solutions for the IT jobs energy sector. GDH has a talent pipeline filled with IT energy talent that may meet your company’s needs and requirements. We are also constantly meeting new potential employees and taking the time to find out what they are looking for in an employer. 

GDH understands the time and energy to effectively source IT talent with the skills the energy sector needs. Partnering with our staffing agency can free up resources your company needs to use in other areas while meeting and exceeding your recruiting needs. 

Success Stories: IT Staffing in Action

Just recently, GDH helped a major energy provider upgrade their payment system for suppliers while adding in the customers of several newly acquired companies at the same time. 

The migration included a backlog of 1,000 invoices and was expected to take seven to eight months to complete and for the new Oracle Cloud system to become fully operational. 

GDH was able to begin placing skilled workers within two weeks because of its existing talent pipeline, and after the onboarding process was completed, the team completed the migration in just a few months, much faster than the original timeline. 

The energy provider has retained some of the workers and hired more GDH job seekers to complete ongoing projects within the company now that the original migration is completed. The GDH hires have had a positive impact on the provider’s overall functioning and freed up resources that can be used in other areas. 


The challenges of recruiting for IT roles in the energy sector can be overwhelming, and yet, companies cannot operate effectively without having adequate staff. Staffing agencies like GDH can help alleviate the stress of IT staffing and help companies reach optimal staffing levels as well as find the specific skills they need.Strategic partnerships with staffing agencies like GDH can help to solve the staffing shortages and skills gaps many energy companies experience with IT energy staffing.

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